Condemning the Use of Hunger As A Weapon of War and Recognizing the Effect of Conflict on Global Food Security and Famine

Floor Speech

Date: Nov. 29, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of this resolution authored by my colleagues, Congresswoman Jacobs and Congressman Meijer. This resolution condemns the use of hunger as a weapon of war and recognizes the impact that conflict has on global food security and famine.

Around the world, over 300 million people are in urgent need of food assistance. Many are facing emergency food needs due to years of protracted conflict, whether in Syria, Yemen, the Sahel, Nigeria, or South Sudan.

But shockingly, we are also seeing the increasing use of hunger and starvation as a deliberate weapon of war, with worldwide effects. Ukraine just commemorated the solemn anniversary of the Holodomor famine, which killed millions of Ukrainians at Stalin's direction. Ninety years later, Putin is reviving this evil, targeting wheat fields and grain silos, deliberately seeking to destroy vital sources of food for the Ukrainian people and the world.

The Kremlin's propaganda machine is attempting to blame international sanctions for the worsening global food crisis, but that is a lie. In reality, this crisis is a direct result of Putin's unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Russia uses its influence at the U.N. to exert control over the vital food aid that millions of Syrians rely on in an effort to bolster Bashar al-Assad's brutal grip on power.

In Yemen, Iran-backed Houthi rebels have weaponized food aid, using it for military gains and personal profit, while millions of Yemenis continue to face famine-like conditions.

These atrocities must be condemned by all people of goodwill. The administration should impose severe penalties on those responsible, including through sanctions under the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act.

Mr. Speaker, I thank Representatives Jacobs and Meijer, Chairman Meeks, and Ranking Member McCaul for introducing this measure and bringing it to the floor. An identical text unanimously passed the Senate in July.

Deliberately starving innocent civilians as a weapon of war must be condemned wherever it occurs. This resolution also condemns the acts of looting, diversion, or other denials of humanitarian access that impede the delivery of lifesaving assistance to populations who need it the most.

Finally, I take this moment to commend the humanitarians who put their lives at risk every day to get food to vulnerable children, women, and men who need it just to stay alive. Their efforts deserve our support, and so does this resolution.

