Rep. Jackson Introduces Legislation to Prohibit Federal Funding for Corrupt Teachers' Unions

Press Release

Date: Nov. 16, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Ronny Jackson (TX-13) introduced the No Federal Funding for Teachers' Unions Act, which would prohibit the federal government from giving financial support to corrupt teachers' unions.

Jackson said: "Corrupt teachers' unions sold out our kids when they lined Democrat politicians' pockets with campaign contributions to keep students out of the classroom, and later to force masking, despite clear evidence that these decisions were harmful to kids' educational and developmental growth. They have even pushed a radical and inappropriate curriculum which seeks to indoctrinate our students with a woke, racist, and anti-American worldview. Just when we thought corrupt teachers' unions could not get worse, they pressed the Biden Administration to investigate parents who voice disagreement with their decisions as domestic terrorists. The very people who were supposed to have our kids' best interest at heart have repeatedly betrayed them. It's time we restore parents' voices, prohibit corrupt teachers' unions from using your tax dollars to advance their radical agenda, and send them a clear message: LEAVE OUR KIDS ALONE!"
