Issa Statement on Anniversary of Biden Abandonment of Afghanistan


Date: Aug. 31, 2022
Issues: Foreign Affairs

Rep. Darrell Issa, a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released the following statement regarding the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan:

"Today marks exactly one year since the single worst chapter of the failed Biden presidency.

"On that day, the last American official was ordered by President Biden to depart Afghanistan. And with that decision came unprecedented chaos in the country, including relentless Taliban pursuit of Afghans that bravely assisted our troops. Some of these allies were never seen again.

"Even worse was Biden's unfathomable betrayal of hundreds of American citizens abandoned by their own government in one the world's most dangerous places. It is a disloyalty to our citizens that is unrivaled in recent American history, especially after he promised it would not happen.

"It did happen, and not since the fall of Saigon almost 50 years ago has America suffered a greater humiliation in the eyes of the American people and the world.

"So great was President Biden's desire to make political gain out of the hasty retreat from Afghanistan, his disorganized plan cost 13 of our servicemembers their lives. It never should have happened. And under a more responsible Administration, it wouldn't have.

"A year has passed, but the scars from that day remain."
