Expressions of Jenniffer González on HR 8393 Law for the Status of Puerto Rico

Press Release

Date: July 20, 2022
Location: Washington, D.C.

Expressions of the Resident Commissioner, Jenniffer González Colón, at the beginning of the voting hearing of the Natural Resources Committee of the United States House of Representatives, on HR 8393, Law for the Status of Puerto Rico.

"Thank you, Mr. President. Today's voting hearing represents a step forward in Congress to assume its responsibility towards Puerto Rico.

Over the years, this Committee has held countless hearings on the subject of Puerto Rico's status with the United States, as well as the unequal treatment of the island under federal laws and programs as a result of its current relationship. The territorial status of the Commonwealth is the main reason why Puerto Rico faces social, fiscal and economic challenges. The measure, Law for the Status of Puerto Rico, reflects the commitment that Mrs. Velázquez and you reached to identify a common cause and establish a process of self-determination that would lead to the resolution of the issue of the status of Puerto Rico once and for all. .

As with any compromise, neither of them got everything they wanted. She would have much preferred to be voting today for HR 1522, legislation that Mr. Soto and I introduced, establishing the process for the admission of Puerto Rico as a State of the Union. But I also understand the value of working together with Ms. Velázquez in an effort to come up with a compromise bill that will ultimately accomplish the same goal. Therefore, while I understand in principle the reasoning behind some of the concerns and arguments that may be raised today, I will remain committed to the agreement that we have crafted over the course of several months of arduous negotiations and will vote against any amendments that may be be proposed.

I would like to thank my friend, Representative Soto, for always being with us in favor of the decolonization of Puerto Rico. I also want to remember someone who surely would have loved to be here today, my dear friend the late Representative Don Young, who lived and understood the inequalities under territorial status and the opportunities that statehood brought to Alaska, and would bring to Puerto Rico. . That is why he became the greatest champion of statehood for Puerto Rico and of the need to resolve our political status. In 1998, as president of this Committee, he held multiple hearings, including on the Island, he authored measures and successfully obtained approval in the House of the bill to achieve just that.

Through HR 8393 and for the first time, Congress would authorize a binding plebiscite under federal auspices among the truly constitutionally viable non-territorial status options: Statehood, Independence, and Sovereignty in Free Association.

This bill empowers the people of Puerto Rico to vote, in a democratic and transparent process, on their future. It will enable them to know exactly the consequences of the choices before them, through a well-defined, non-partisan voter education campaign.

Finally, the measure establishes a mechanism that implements the option that reflects the mandate of the people of Puerto Rico.

We have been debating our political relationship with the United States for 124 years and this bill gives us a definitive solution. Having a binding measure, where Congress clearly states what it is willing to offer, is very important.

Remaining in a subordinate or inferior condition for political or financial convenience is NOT a valid option. Over the past decades, the status quo has been repeatedly rejected by voters. Congress must commit, through actual action, to ending Puerto Rico's territorial status.

This is a matter of honoring the promise that our Founders made in the Preamble of our Constitution, to form "a more perfect union", and of the equal rights that the people of Puerto Rico deserve. For for the past 105 years we have been proud American citizens of whom thousands have given the ultimate sacrifice to guarantee our freedoms, while being denied equal participation in feral decision-making.

During the last decade, Puerto Rico has held three local plebiscites, in which a clear majority of voters has chosen statehood on all occasions. I am confident that with the implementation of this legislation, voters will confirm their desire to join the Union. However, for those who believe that Puerto Rico should become a sovereign nation, this bill also gives them that option.

Colleagues, we have had to make very difficult decisions and concessions to get to where we are today, but I am convinced that this bill represents a historic and serious effort to finally decolonize Puerto Rico. It is not a perfect measure. No measure we passed in Congress is.

My vote in favor will reflect the will of a large majority of the people that I very proudly represent, and who understandably want to end over 100 years of inequality and second-class citizenship. Ironically, this will also be my only opportunity to vote on this issue, since being a delegate will prevent me from voting on the final passage of this or any other bill that affects my constituents on the House floor.

As the only representative from Puerto Rico in Congress, I respectfully ask for your support and your vote."
