195 voted no


Date: July 27, 2022
Issues: Reproduction

Justice Clarence Thomas's concurring opinion questioned Americans' right to contraception. And MAGA Republicans have made it clear that this is not one man's opinion.

I was proud to vote YES on the Right to Contraception Act. But 195 Republicans voted NO. 195!

Republicans are showing us every day that if they take control of Congress, they'll vote against women every single time.

This is a simple issue of freedom: how (or when or if) women choose to access birth control is none of the government's business.

This essential health care is used for much more than preventing pregnancy. Many women need it to live pain-free lives.

I'm utterly disgusted by the blatant misogyny of many of my Republican colleagues.

They've made it clear that they don't give a damn about the American people -- just the narrow group of MAGA extremists -- and I am done. We can't force them to have empathy, but we can vote them out.
