Recognizing Tina Buneta

Floor Speech

Date: Oct. 4, 2022
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CROW. Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize the accomplishments of Tina Buneta and congratulate her on receiving the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International 2022 Director of the Year award for her life saving work as a 9-1-1 professional with the Aurora Department of Public Safety Communications.

A life-long dedicated public servant, Tina applied to become a front line telecommunicator for the Colorado State Patrol in 1999--not fully understanding what the career entailed. She soon realized she excelled at solving problems and puzzles, creating order out of chaos, and most importantly--helping people.

Over her 23-year career in emergency communications, Tina has gone from directly helping people, to helping and molding the people who help people. She previously served as a Communications Training Officer, Communications Supervisor, and Regional Center Manager for the Colorado State Patrol until 2019 when she became Director of Aurora911. Under her leadership style, Tina aims to empower new leaders and develop new ideas and strategies to ensure Aurora911 is operating at its best.

In recognition of her leadership and tireless dedication to service, Tina received the 2022 Director of the Year Award from APCO. The nationwide award is given annually to a leader who exemplifies high levels of personal and professional conduct in the line of duty. I cannot think of a leader more deserving of this award than Tina, who has dedicated her life to an instrumental career in public safety.

I am honored to recognize Tina for her dedication and commitment to making our community a better place to call home. I congratulate her for receiving the APCO International 2022 Director of the Year Award, as well as an incredible career in emergency communications.

