Fairness for Families Act

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 30, 2022
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding me time.

Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of the Fairness for 9/11 Families Act, another vital step to support our September 11 heroes and their families.

I salute Chairman Nadler for his committed leadership in bringing this legislation to the floor.

Mr. Speaker, on September 11, our Nation watched in horror as unfathomable acts of terror unfolded on our soil, gripped by an unthinkable nightmare.

For thousands of families, it was only the beginning: Children growing up without a mom or dad by their side; missing smiles at dance recitals and soccer games; empty seats at graduations and weddings and baptisms.

Yet, in the wake of such harrowing tragedy, these grieving families rallied together, channeling their sorrow into solidarity, transforming their pain into purpose, mobilizing their agony into advocacy. Some of them were very much responsible for us getting a 9/11 Commission, which some in Congress had resisted. Without their outside mobilization, it would not have happened.

Congress and the country greatly admire the courage of the survivors and families who have come together to make their voices heard.

In fact, it was my honor to host many of them in the Capitol just earlier this month, to listen to their moving stories and learn how we can continue to support them.

This is an injustice, as was described. Moved by their remarkable resilience, the House has worked relentlessly over the years to honor our solemn promise to the 9/11 families. We passed the Zadroga Act to ensure that they could receive help from the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund; and we passed the Never Forget the Heroes Act to permanently authorize those funds.

But there is still more to be done to ensure they get every last cent they are due. I don't know that any money really makes up for their loss; but what they are due, they should receive.

The Fairness for 9/11 Families Act corrects an outrageous injustice, finally delivering the $2.7 billion that these families are owed from the United States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund. This initiative was established to support Americans devastated by evils of international terror, but for years, the wives, husbands, and children of those killed on 9/11 were refused assistance from this particular fund, even as more distant relatives received compensation.

Yes, they were getting funds from an earlier fund, but if you got money from the earlier fund, you couldn't get money from this additional fund. This is about fairness today.

As Democrats took the majority, we ended this unconscionable disparity. Today, we vote to make them whole, delivering the benefits they were wrongfully denied. No amount of money can replace those who were stolen away, nor restore the memories and moments that could have been; but with this legislation, we can further ease two decades of anguish, and we can take another step to ensure that justice is done. I am so pleased it is being done in a bipartisan way, because at the start, that was not the case.

President Lincoln once cautioned against the ``silent artillery of time''--the slow, steady fading of our Nation's collective memory.

For 21 years, these families have served as a bulwark against that silent threat. Here today, let us stand with them and renew our sacred promise to never forget.

Mr. Speaker, I urge a resounding and bipartisan ``yes'' and, hopefully, a unanimous vote so that we may empower thousands of Americans to begin finding the peace that they deserve.

Mr. Speaker, as I have the floor, I also rise in strong support of the continuing resolution to keep government open and working for the people. This legislation ensures full government funding through December 16, giving appropriators more time to reach bipartisan, bicameral agreement on funding levels for the upcoming fiscal year.

It includes critical funding to support Ukraine, to respond to natural disasters, and to advance many additional key priorities.

I thank Rosa DeLauro, chair of the Committee on Appropriations, for her strong values-driven leadership to bring forth this necessary legislation. As I always say, as an appropriator myself, left to their own devices, the appropriators will find a bipartisan path.

I thank Rosa for her ongoing work to assemble an omnibus government funding package that honors our values as a Nation. That is the next step.

Today, we proceed with this legislation. As we do, war rages on in Ukraine. With the legislation we pass today, Congress secures an additional $12.3 billion for Ukraine-related priorities, including security, economic and humanitarian aid to the historic and heroic Ukrainian people.

This package comes at a pivotal moment as Ukraine's freedom fighters work to turn the tide, liberating key cities and repelling Russian forces.

When I traveled to Berlin for the G7 Speakers' Summit earlier this month, it was my privilege to hear directly from Ukraine Speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk, who offered an invaluable report on the state of the war.

At those meetings, I reiterated America's unbreakable, unshakeable commitment to stand with Ukraine in the fight for democracy. By the way, every other Speaker from the G7, they call them heads of parliament in some countries, spoke out strongly in favor of democracy in Ukraine. So it wasn't just me talking about unbreakable, unshakeable commitment, others did, too.

With this supplemental funding, we take another strong step to honor our country's pledge.

Alongside this critical package for Ukraine, this legislation directs significant funding to help American families devastated by disaster. We continue to hold all of the families affected by Hurricane Ian in our hearts and prayers during this difficult time, but we need money to help them.

The $2 billion more in Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery funding in this bill will go toward supporting Florida, as well as Puerto Rico, Alaska, and other communities hit by catastrophe. But, again, we need more.

We are also allowing FEMA to spend up to its entire year of funding, giving the agency access to an additional $18.9 billion from FEMA's disaster relief fund to quickly respond to disasters, especially appropriate now with Ian; and we will need more.

Thanks to the leadership of Congresswoman Teresa Leger Fernandez, we are sending $2.5 billion to help New Mexicans begin to heal, recover, and rebuild after the Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon fire. She and the Members from New Mexico were very instrumental in making sure we were aware of the disastrous mistake that was made in New Mexico and how we need to address it.

At the same time, thanks to the impassioned advocacy of Congressman Bennie Thompson, we secured $20 million in Jackson, Mississippi, which is suffering a devastating water emergency. This man-made disaster poses a direct threat to public health and demands urgent action.

Additionally, we are proud that this legislation includes $1 billion more for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, a vital lifeline to help families pay their bills and stay safe in their homes this winter.

Mr. Speaker, this legislation is a package for the people. I urge a strong bipartisan ``yes'' on the continuing resolution so that we may swiftly send this bill to the President's desk. I hope that we will have a unanimous vote on the legislation, Fairness for 9/11 Families to support our 9/11 heroes and their families.

