Tweet - "For years, I have worked across the aisle to determine the most effective way to increase domestic energy production, lower energy and healthcare costs, and pay down our national debt without raising costs for working Americans."

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Date: Aug. 7, 2022

"For years, I have worked across the aisle to determine the most effective way to increase domestic energy production, lower energy and healthcare costs, and pay down our national debt without raising costs for working Americans.

The Inflation Reduction Act is the product of that work and I am proud the Senate passed this bill that will lower the inflation taxes that have been so hurtful for West Virginian and American families.

By investing in American energy production and innovative technologies the U.S. is on a path toward energy security, lower gas and home energy prices and we are leading the fight on global climate.

By ensuring fairness in our federal tax code so that the largest and most profitable corporations pay their fair share, we can begin to get our financial house in order while protecting working Americans and small businesses.

I look forward to seeing the U.S. House of Representatives pass this important legislation and President Biden quickly signing it into law.

We are moving full steam ahead on comprehensive bipartisan permitting reform so we can efficiently and safely bring more domestic energy projects online. Congress will pass that legislation next month.


