Pelosi Statement on Federal Data Privacy Legislation


Date: Sept. 1, 2022
Location: San Francisco, California

Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued this statement on the American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA), which has advanced out of the Energy and Commerce Committee:

"The Energy and Commerce Committee is to be commended for its work on federal data privacy legislation. Importantly, Democrats won the right for consumers for the first time to be able to seek damages in court for violations of their privacy rights.

"However, Governor Newsom, the California Privacy Protection Agency and top state leaders have pointed out the American Data Privacy and Protection Act does not guarantee the same essential consumer protections as California's existing privacy laws. Proudly, California leads the nation not only in innovation, but also in consumer protection. With so much innovation happening in our state, it is imperative that California continues offering and enforcing the nation's strongest privacy rights. California's landmark privacy laws and the new kids age-appropriate design bill, both of which received unanimous and bipartisan support in both chambers, must continue to protect Californians -- and states must be allowed to address rapid changes in technology.

"In the days ahead, we will continue to work with Chairman Pallone to address California's concerns."
