Ranking Member Cole Remarks on S. 3522


By: Tom Cole
By: Tom Cole
Date: April 27, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

As delivered during today's hearing:

Today's hearing covers a single bill, which I expect will have broad bipartisan support. S. 3522 is known as the Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022. Like the famous Lend-Lease program from World War II, when the United States served as the arsenal of democracy, S. 3522 would ensure that defense articles, including weapons, munitions and other supplies, are provided to Ukraine on an expedited basis.

Since Vladimir Putin's unjust and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine two months ago, the Ukrainian people have bravely fought to defend their homeland and their democracy. As befits their heroic defense, aid has poured in from dozens of countries around the world. I'm very proud that the United States has stood shoulder-to-shoulder with our allies in providing Ukraine with aid to enable the brave Ukrainian people to continue their stand against Russian aggression and Russian war crimes.

During World War II, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill said to President Roosevelt: "Give us the tools and we will finish the job." That is exactly what today's bill will do. It will ensure that America can more easily continue to give the tools of defense -- weapons, ammunition, food, supplies, fuel and dozens of other necessary items -- that Ukrainians will be able to use to repel the Russian aggressors.

I think we will see a strong bipartisan vote in favor of this bill, Mr. Chairman. It is only too appropriate that the House -- the People's House -- speaks out, with one clear voice, in support of Ukraine. With this bill, we share the support and best wishes not only of this body, but of all the American people, in the hopes that Ukraine's defense will soon be successful, and its people can once again live in peace and freedom as citizens of a fellow democracy.
