Rep. Peters Issues Statement on SCOTUS Decision in West Virginia v. EPA


Date: June 30, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Environment

"This decision is a devastating blow to our efforts and goals to fight climate change. The decision that an agency as important as the EPA cannot fully use its authority to limit carbon emissions for power plants will make it even harder to achieve already difficult but critical emission reductions. I will recommit to pass climate rescue legislation in Congress. The sooner we do so, the sooner we prove our full commitment to the American people to tackle this crisis.

"As I reflect on other major decisions announced this week from the Supreme Court, I am increasingly worried that this Court's now obvious political agenda may forever tarnish a legacy of what we once regarded as a fair and impartial foundation of our democracy. I never imagined that the highest court in the land could itself bring about greater mistrust in our government and our democracy, but this is where we have come."
