Congressman Gonzalez's Responds to Rescission of Title 42


Date: April 1, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Immigration

Congressman Vicente Gonzalez (TX-15) issued the following statement in response to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) decision to rescind Title 42:

"I urge the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Biden Administration to re-think today's decision to end Title 42 on May 23, 2022. Until the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) provides border communities and local Customs and Border Patrol sectors adequate resources and a plan, we will once again be wholly unprepared to handle a surge in irregular migration at our Southern Border in a humane, safe, and orderly way."

"While I remain disappointed in the Administration's failure to include our community in these decisions and refusal to acknowledge the real-life impact on South Texans, their approach is nothing we haven't seen before. Earlier this week, I joined my colleagues across the aisle to express concern and request simple information about how the CDC, DHS, and other federal agencies plan to maintain order and prevent border communities from being overwhelmed."

"I implore the Administration to provide that information without delay and assure South Texas and communities across the U.S.-Mexico Border have the resources they need."
