Rep. Frankel Votes to Protect Access to Contraception

Press Release

Date: July 21, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Reproduction

Today, Congresswoman Lois Frankel (FL-21), released the following statement after voting for the Right to Contraception Act.

"The Supreme Court's decision to dismantle access to abortion was not the end of extreme, unnecessary intrusions into our personal lives by Republicans. Next on their list: limiting the right to buy and use the birth control that gives women the ability to plan their families," said Rep. Frankel. "The Right to Contraception Act will protect access to medically-approved contraception."

In the recent case overturning the right to legal abortion, Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, Justice Clarence Thomas argued that the Supreme Court "should reconsider" its past "privacy" rulings, including Griswold. That case first recognized the Constitutional right to use contraceptives.

Republican legislators across the country have already started using the Dobbs decision to try to restrict or ban certain contraceptive methods, such as emergency contraception and IUDs. The Right to Contraception Act protects against state laws that attempt to restrict access to contraceptives and affirms the Attorney General's authority to bring civil actions against these states.

The bill passed the House by a vote of 228-195 and now goes to the Senate.
