Recognizing Isabella Margolin

Floor Speech

Date: July 19, 2022
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CROW. Madam Speaker, I am honored today to recognize Isabella Margolin, who earned the Congressional Award--the highest honor a youth civilian can receive from their Member of Congress.

In 2020, Isabella completed over 100 hours of community service and set personal goals to hone her interests in photography and physical fitness. Isabella's leadership and initiative is exemplified in her hard work to not only better herself and those around her, but to make a sizable and lasting impact in her community.

It's young folks like her that remind me of the unlimited promise of future generations and give me hope that inspiring young leaders like Isabella will one-day take the torch and solve many of our nation's most pressing challenges.

I am more than proud to congratulate Isabella on earning the bronze Congressional Award and look forward to seeing what incredible things she does next.

