Sasse: "Mr. President, Drop the Excuses"

Press Release

U.S. Senator Ben Sasse, a member of the Senate Budget and Finance Committees, issued the following statement after President Biden blamed Vladimir Putin for record-breaking inflation.

"Putin's an evil dude and President Biden is right to sanction him with everything we've got, but c'mon let's be real: Putin didn't burn through trillions of dollars of domestic spending on Democrat pet-projects -- President Biden did. President Biden needs to stop searching for a scapegoat and needs to face reality. Washington's reckless spending is dumping gasoline on this nation's inflation bonfire."


Today it was announced that inflation rates rose 8.6 percent over the past year, the highest increase since 1981. Today President Biden blamed these inflation rates on Putin's war in Ukraine, despite the fact that these record-breaking inflation rates started before Putin's war and have been exacerbated by Biden's record-breaking domestic spending.
