Gun Safety Laws

Floor Speech

Date: June 8, 2022
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. LEE of Nevada. Madam Speaker, I rise today as we mark the 159th day of this year, and more than 246 mass shootings; Columbine, Sandy Hook, Uvalde, Parkland. We cannot pretend that we have not been here before, and we cannot fail to act yet again.

I have heard from mothers in my district who are frightened for their children's safety. I have heard the horrors of the survivors of the October 1 shooting in Las Vegas, and survivors of domestic violence and other daily gun violence that doesn't always make the headlines.

And I have heard the echoes of decades of disappointment and frustration as Congress has failed over and over again to do something.

This is not about politics. It is about protecting our kids. This is about doing the jobs we were elected to do because I refuse to accept that because we may not be able to prevent all gun violence, we should not prevent any gun violence.

We can act and must act, and that is why I am voting to pass the gun safety laws.

