Larson Announces AFL-CIO Support for Social Security 2100: A Sacred Trust


Date: June 2, 2022
Location: Hartford, CT

Today, Rep. John B. Larson (CT-01) joined Connecticut AFL-CIO President Ed Hawthorne and members of the AFL-CIO to announce the AFL-CIO's support for Social Security 2100: A Sacred Trust. Alongside more than 200 cosponsors in the House, Rep. Larson introduced this bill in Congress to increase Social Security benefits across the board and strengthen the program.

"It has been more than 50 years since Congress acted to expand Social Security benefits," said Larson. "By passing Social Security 2100: A Sacred Trust, we can act now to expand our nation's most effective anti-poverty program and ensure this program remains a "sacred trust' between the government and its people. It is an honor to stand alongside the AFL-CIO today as they announce their support for our legislation."

"Social Security is a sacred commitment to all Americans and a promise that must be fulfilled. As seniors and people with disabilities struggle with the costs of food, housing, and prescription drugs, this bill enhances and expands benefits for millions of Americans who need them. I am proud to stand with my colleagues and union members to support the Social Security 2100 Act, keeping this vital lifeline solvent ensuring our nation's bedrock social insurance program will continue to provide current and future beneficiaries with a quality standard of living," said Senator Richard Blumenthal.

"Social Security benefits are a promise made to workers and Social Security 2100 is essential in fulfilling this promise. The Connecticut AFL-CIO applauds Representative Larson in his fight to repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision that harms Connecticut's teachers, firefighters, and police officers by reducing social security benefits they earned because they are receiving pension after years of dedicated public service. Retirees and those most vulnerable in our society depend on Social Security to live a life of dignity. The Connecticut AFL-CIO and our over 200,000 members stand in solidarity with Congressman Larson in his fight to ensure Social Security is a promise we keep for generations of Americans to come," said Connecticut AFL-CIO President Ed Hawthorne.

A complete list of organizations endorsing Social Security 2100: A Sacred Trust can be found here.

A fact sheet on the bill can be found here.
