Rep. Payne, Jr.'s School and Daycare Terrorist Protection Bill Passes House

Press Release

Date: April 5, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Donald M. Payne, Jr.'s bill to make schools and daycare centers more secure to protect children passed the U.S. House of Representatives today.

The bill, the School and Daycare Protection Act (H.R. 6387), would establish a School Security Coordinating Council in the Department of Homeland Security to enhance the security of schools and daycare centers to protect children against acts of terrorism. The Council would include members of the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA who are tasked with emergency management during a terrorist attack. They would work to create an emergency plan or plans that would consider the special safety needs of schoolchildren when such emergencies happen.

"We need to make the needs of children a higher priority before, during and after a terrorist attack," said Rep. Donald M. Payne, Jr. "Children are the most vulnerable Americans when these incidents happen. I spoke with emergency officials and child advocates in my district and during Congressional hearings. They stated that America needs a formal, national office with emergency and childcare experts to create plans to care for children quickly during and after a terrorist incident. I introduced this bill to create that office and provide states with the leadership necessary to protect children when these incidents occur."
