Congressman Krishnamoorthi To Big Vape: Your Days Of Exploiting The Synthetic Nicotine Loophole Are Over

Date: March 9, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Drugs

Today, Congressman Krishnamoorthi hailed the inclusion in the government funding package of a provision he championed to ensure that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has the authority to regulate synthetic nicotine products in order to prevent big tobacco and vaping companies from using the substance to prey on children. As Chairman of the Oversight Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy, Congressman Krishnamoorthi launched an investigation into the production and sale of synthetic nicotine in November. In December, he joined with Representatives Chris Stewart (R-UT), and Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ) to introduce the Clarifying Authority Over Nicotine Act of 2021 to expand the FDA's jurisdiction to regulate the chemical. Since the current round of government funding negotiations began, the Congressman has worked with Members of both parties to ensure the provision to grant the FDA regulatory authority over synthetic nicotine was included.

"I am grateful to leadership and my colleagues for recognizing the danger that synthetic nicotine poses to our children and taking this critical step to ensure the FDA can effectively regulate these products," said Congressman Krishnamoorthi. "As our Subcommittee investigations have shown, the vaping industry has successfully used synthetic nicotine as a loophole to continue pumping our children with heavily addictive flavored e-cigarette products. This provision would give the FDA the necessary authority to act to protect our children from products that we know to be dangerous and addictive."
