Simpson-supported Initiative to fix Secure Rural Schools (SRS) Payment Allocations Heads to President's Desk for Signature


Date: March 2, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Education

On Monday, the House of Representatives passed a Simpson-supported effort to fix an error in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and preserve counties' Secure Rural Schools (SRS) payment allocations.

"The SRS program provides a vital source of funding for Idaho counties," said Simpson. "As a long-time supporter of this important program, I want to ensure that Idaho counties are not short-changed because of an oversight in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. This critical fix will safeguard SRS payment allocations to Idaho counties."

A reauthorization of the Secure Rural Schools (SRS) passed and was signed into law as part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), however, due to an error in the IIJA, the reauthorization changed how counties would be able divide their SRS payments. This error would force counties to split funding between Title I and Title II, while no funding could go toward Title III projects such as wildfire preparedness, planning and emergency services.

"I am glad that my colleagues in the House and Senate recognized the importance of this issue to our rural communities and came together to pass this critical fix."
