McEachin Legislation Included in House-Passed America COMPETES Act

Press Release

Date: Feb. 4, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman A. Donald McEachin (VA-04) helped pass the America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science (COMPETES) Act, legislation he cosponsored, to support the nation's innovation and economic competitiveness.

America COMPETES is a comprehensive, strategic package that will support American manufacturing, fix existing supply chain issues, turbocharge American scientific research, technology, and innovation, and ensure global competitiveness and leadership.

"We have seen an incredible economic rebound under the leadership of President Biden and thanks to House Democrats' work passing the American Rescue Plan. In 2021, our nation's GDP grew at 5.7 percent -- the fastest rate since 1984 -- making the United States the only advanced economy in the world to come back above pre-pandemic GDP levels," said Rep. McEachin (VA-04). "We have record low unemployment rates, higher wages, better benefits, and better jobs across the board. Now we are taking steps to further solidify that progress, bolster American competitiveness, and solve our supply chain issues by increasing American manufacturing and decreasing our dependence on foreign countries."

Rep. McEachin's Department of Homeland Security Mentor-Protege Program Act of 2021, legislation to authorize a business Mentor-Protégé program within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), was included in the America COMPETES Act. The program seeks to encourage large prime contractors to partner with and enhance the capabilities of small businesses, and thus increase their ability to compete for future DHS contracts.

"Increasing our global competitiveness means supporting all American businesses. That is why I fought to include my mentor-protégé legislation, which will help cultivate strategic partnerships between large contractors and American small businesses," continued Rep. McEachin. "American small businesses are the backbone of our economy, yet many small firms are shut out of federal contracting. This provision will ensure our small businesses have a fairer shot at DHS contracts and diversify the pool of available contractors. Our nation's market and economy are strongest when all parties have the chance to compete, share ideas, and drive innovation. I am thrilled my legislation was included in the House-passed version of the bill, and I urge the Senate to take up the America COMPETES Act without delay."

Reps. A. Donald McEachin (VA-04) and Kathy Castor (FL-14), Chair of the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, also introduced an amendment to the America COMPETES Act to require the Department of Commerce to identify opportunities to reuse and recycle critical goods. Their amendment aims to build more resilient domestic supply chains, reduce harmful carbon emissions, and minimize waste.

Read the full text and section-by section fact sheets of America COMPETES. Read the original bill text for Rep. McEachin's mentor-protégé legislation.
