Sens. Rev. Warnock, Ossoff Secure Boost for Georgia Tourism


Date: Dec. 21, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Georgia U.S. Senators Reverend Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff secured a major boost to tourism across Georgia after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Through the American Rescue Plan, Georgia will receive $5.82 million to help accelerate the recovery of travel spending, tourism jobs, and overall economic impact.

"Senator Reverend Warnock and I will continue to help create new opportunities for Georgia communities in the tourism sector, which is growing as the world continues to recognize Georgia's natural beauty, vibrant culture, and fascinating history," Sen. Ossoff said.

"Georgia is known over the world as a destination for rich history, art, entertainment and natural wonders," said Sen. Rev. Warnock. "I'm going to keep working with Senator Ossoff to strengthen federal support for our state's tourism industry to keep our economy moving forward and help even more people experience Georgia's unmatched beauty and culture."

The pandemic hit the tourism and hospitality industry in Georgia particularly hard.

According to Capitol BeatThis is an external link
, the leisure and hospitality sector lost 223,000 jobs statewide between February and April 2020, and in Atlanta, hotel occupancy plummeted from 74% in February of 2020 to just 9% in April 2020.

"The pandemic took a big toll on tourism in Southeast Georgia, but we're on the upswing again, and this funding will go a long way to help our tourism economy rebound. We're grateful to Senators Ossoff and Warnock for supporting us and working hard to secure this vital funding to continue making Georgia the best state in the nation to visit," said Tonya Harvey, Executive Director for the Kingsland Convention & Visitors Bureau.
