Congressman Cohen Announces National Science Foundation Earthquake Research Grant to the University of Memphis

Press Release

Date: Feb. 11, 2022
Location: Memphis, Tennessee

Congressman Steve Cohen (TN-09) today announced that the University of Memphis will receive a $611,610 grant from the National Science Foundation for a project entitled "CAREER: From slow to fast, micro to macro, single events to cascades: A multi-scale study of seismic event triggering in lab and nature." The work is directed by Assistant Professor Thomas Goebel, Ph.D., of the University's Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI).

Congressman Cohen made the following statement:

"All of us living in the Mid-South know the region's history of earthquakes and know that an event like the one that jolted the New Madrid Fault in the early 19th century, and rang church bells in Boston, could happen again. The Center for Earthquake Research and Information is doing important seismic science and I congratulate it, and Dr. Goebel, for being awarded this prestigious National Science Foundation grant."

CERI was first established in 1977 as the Tennessee Earthquake Information Center to understand earthquakes and put the hazards in perspective. It monitors areas with high quake activity throughout the world, using the most advanced technologies available. CERI addresses critical needs for the Mid-South region, the nation and the world through cutting-edge research, comprehensive graduate student education, operation of state-of-the-art seismic and GPS networks, and dissemination of technical and practical information to the private and public sectors.
