Reps. Budd, Norman Recognize National Sanctity of Human Life Day


By: Ted Budd
By: Ted Budd
Date: Jan. 21, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Abortion

Reps. Ted Budd (R-NC) and Ralph Norman (R-SC) have proposed a House resolution recognizing National Sanctity of Human Life Day on January 22nd.

The resolution observes the anniversary of the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade and honors the millions of unborn children who lost their lives by abortion.

President Trump last issued a national proclamation honoring National Sanctity of Human Life Day on January 18, 2021.

The resolution is endorsed by:

National Right to Life

Susan B. Anthony List

Conference of Catholic Bishops

Heritage Action for America

Rep. Budd said in a statement:

"Unborn children deserve the most fundamental right of all: The right to live. On National Sanctity of Life Day, we honor and remember the millions of lives unjustly ended through abortion and recommit ourselves to building a culture of life throughout our nation. That is what I will fight for, for as long as I hold public office."

Rep. Norman said in a statement:

"Celebrating the National Sanctity of Life Day reminds us of the important fight we have taken upon ourselves in defense of life. This is a fight we are winning, but we must continue to stay energized in protecting the rights of the unborn. As long as I'm in Congress, I will never stop fighting for the sanctity of life."

Hon. Marilyn Musgrave, SBA List's Vice President of Government Affairs said:

"The anniversary of Roe v. Wade is a day for sobering reflection on the loss of 63 million unborn boys and girls to abortion -- a devastation felt not only by countless mothers but by our entire community. It is also a day to recommit to America's noblest ideals of equality and the dignity of every person, to ending this egregious injustice, and to serving women and families in need. This year we observe National Sanctity of Human Life Day with the great hope that, finally, the will of the American people will prevail and the Supreme Court will soon restore their power to protect life. We thank Congressman Budd for his tireless pro-life leadership and urge Congress to adopt this resolution."

The full text of the resolution is below:

Whereas life is inherently valuable at every stage and should be protected;

Whereas condoning abortion based on the sex or a disability of a child in the womb is barbaric and should be condemned;

Whereas a child in the womb is a unique person with his or her own genetic code and is a different being than the mother;

Whereas pro-life crisis pregnancy centers provide millions of dollars in free care annually to women seeking alternatives to abortion;

Whereas the pro-life movement has made a concerted effort to care for women, children, and families not just during pregnancy, but afterwards as well;

Whereas the abortion industry deceives women about the biological realities of children in the womb, falsely claiming that children in the womb are ""clumps of cells'';

Whereas as early as eight weeks, a child in the womb begins developing hands, feet, and teeth, and neural pathways are formed during this time that will last through the child's entire life;

Whereas a growing body of scientific literature indicates that children in the womb feel pain prior to 15 weeks gestation, and nearly every major organ is present and functional by then;

Whereas a child in the womb has a heart that will beat roughly 15,000,000 times by 15 weeks;

Whereas abortion not only ends the life of a human being in the womb, but abortion also poses serious health risks and complications for mothers;

Whereas the abortion industry does not disclose the emotional and psychological toll a woman will face when ending a pregnancy through abortion;

Whereas across the world, elective abortions past 20 weeks are permissible in only a handful of nations such as North Korea, China, and unfortunately, the United States;

Whereas since Roe v. Wade was decided on January 22, 1973, an estimated 62 million lives have been lost to abortion;

Whereas in recent years, States across the country have taken the bold and noble stand to provide protections for the unborn and ensure their right to live;

Whereas just governments have an obligation to protect vulnerable and innocent children, including voiceless children in the womb;

Whereas failing to protect the rights of children in the womb is a failure to live up to the ideals found in the Declaration of Independence ""that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness'';

Whereas abortion is a moral wrong that has no place in American society; and

Whereas we mourn the suffering and loss of life since Roe v. Wade,

Whereas January 22 would be an appropriate day to establish National Sanctity of Human Life Day: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the House of Representatives--

(1) supports the designation of National Sanctity of Human Life Day; and

(2) supports and encourages every American to reflect on the value of life and defending life at all stages.
