Calling Attention to the Energy Crisis

Floor Speech

Date: March 8, 2022
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. HERN. Madam Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding and for hosting this Special Order tonight.

The price of gas has been rising for the last 14 months. Yes, we are experiencing some added pressure thanks to Putin's evil attack on Ukraine, but our energy problems go much farther back than that.

They started on the very day that President Biden was inaugurated as President. When he left the inauguration, President Biden immediately signed multiple executive orders handcuffing domestic oil production. He proudly told supporters on the campaign trail that his goal was to end fossil fuels entirely.

Now, he is saying that his administration and his rhetoric have no impact on the energy crisis. I call B.S. on that. He is intentionally destroying traditional energy while begging the world's worst actors to make up for it.

We simply cannot rely on foreign dictators for oil that we can produce here in America. An energy dominant U.S. helps not only our people, but our allies around the world.

