Reps. Chabot and Sherman India Caucus Co-Chairs, Issue Statement on Growing Economic Ties


Date: Jan. 11, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressmen Steve Chabot (R-OH) and Brad Sherman (D-CA), Co-Chairs of the House Caucus on India and Indian Americans, released the following statement on India's decision to allow imports of U.S. pork:

"As strong supporters of the U.S.-India bilateral relationship, we welcome India's decision to allow market access for U.S. pork and pork products," the Co-Chairs said. "Mutually-beneficial commercial ties are a necessary component of any comprehensive partnership. As the U.S. and India seek to deepen the bonds between our two democracies, strengthening our economic relationship will be central to that endeavor. The removal of longstanding barriers to U.S. pork exports is an important step toward deeper economic integration as well as a win for American farmers and Indian consumers."
