Johnson cites spending as one of the drivers of the nation's high inflation rate


Date: Jan. 25, 2022
Location: Belmont County, Ohio

NEWS9 caught up with Congressman Bill Johnson on Tuesday and talked with him about several issues that not only Ohio Valley residents are dealing with, but residents nationwide.
And if you're an Ohio Valley resident that's concerned with the prices of things going up, your congressman is, too.

"Two things are driving inflation right now," Johnson said. "One of them is the amount of cash coming into the system. The Biden administration has spent over $6 trillion since coming into office. That is crazy. We can't spend that kind of money. I've had county commissioners, township trustees, and mayors telling me don't spend any more money. We can't spend the money that you've already sent."

The issue of water continues to grow in the Ohio Valley, as well, as the village of Bellaire had three breaks in the last week of December alone. Johnson is confident there is funding available to get these issues fixed in our areas.
