Sen. Coons announces Nobel Peace Prize nomination in discussion of Sudan's imperiled transition to democracy

Press Release

Date: Feb. 3, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

On Tuesday, U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, announced that he included several Sudanese grassroots organizations among a slate of nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize during a hearing about the Biden administration's strategy for addressing the political crisis in Sudan.

Among the people and organizations that Senator Coons has nominated for the Peace Prize are the Sudan Resistance Committees and Central Committee of Sudan Doctors, groups that have played a pivotal role in Sudan's peaceful revolution and pro-democracy protests in response to the October 25 military coup that has brought Sudan's nearly three-year transition out of dictatorship and towards democracy to a halt.

Citing his continued work to support Sudan's transition to democracy, Senator Coons said at the hearing that "We've made a significant down payment on a democratic future for Sudan, but I'm gravely concerned that this transition is badly off track, and without active diplomatic engagement and some strong and decisive action by the United States, this transition may effectively be dead. To live up to the commitments that we've made to the Sudanese people to support their aspirations, we have to take a greater leadership role."

Senator Coons continued, "I've just submitted a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize for Sudan's Resistance Committees and the Central Committee of Sudan Doctors. I hope you will work to make sure that they are at the center of any political process."
