Reed Applauds Panel's Decision To Hold Canada Accountable to the Terms of USMCA


Date: Jan. 5, 2022
Location: Corning, NY
Issues: Trade

Today, Tom Reed released the following statement in response to the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) panel determining that Canada, by administering unfair dairy tariff-rate quotas is in breach of their commitments under the USMCA.

"We welcome the decision made by the USMCA panel. We care about our dairy farmers and it is only fair that Canada is held to the full terms of the USMCA trade agreement," said Reed. "We will always do everything we can to make sure our dairy farmers are treated fairly "

A USMCA panel agreed with the United States that Canada is breaching its USMCA commitments by reserving most of the in-quota quantity in its dairy tariff-rate quotas (TRQs) for the exclusive use of Canadian processors. This decision by the panel will help ensure that American diary products will receive the full benefit of the USMCA and that their products will be marketed and sold to Canadian consumers.
