During Homeland Security Hearing Rep. Correa Emphasizes the Need for a United Message Against Hate Speech on Social Media


Date: Feb. 2, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Lou Correa (D-CA) participated in the House Homeland Security Committee hearing: The Dynamic Terrorism Landscape and What it Means for America that examined the heightened threat of domestic terrorism. During the hearing the Congressman questioned witnesses on counter-terrorism efforts, including the role of social media in the convergent of extremist ideologies and the spread of misinformation, disinformation, and malformation. Rep. Correa stated,

"We do need to make some valued judgments. You know hate speech when you see it, so to speak. When you write something that is meant to insight hate, anger, and violence, you know it's wrong. I hope we as a legislative body can come up with some rules and a strong message to social media saying this cannot be tolerated. Respecting the First Amendment, but this kind of hateful speech is dividing our nation and should not be tolerated."
