Rep. Correa Statement on the One Year Anniversary of the January 6 Attack on the Capitol


Date: Jan. 6, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Lou Correa (CA-46) issued the following statement commemorating the one year anniversary of the January 6 attack on our democracy and the U.S. Capitol:

"One year ago, violent rioters incited by President Trump's lies attacked our Capitol in an attempt to stop the certification of the electoral college vote. They did not succeed. History will remember that nothing stopped Congress from fulfilling our constitutional duty to certify the results of the 2020 election, preserving our voting process and upholding the constitution.

"On the one-year anniversary of the January 6th insurrection, we commemorate the heroism of the Capitol Police officers, who gave life and limb to protect our democracy. It is because of their dedication that the will of the people was carried out. It is because of their sacrifice that Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States. While January 6th will forever be remembered as a day when our democracy triumphed, we must continue to restore trust in our system of democracy and ensure that it is never under attack again. Today, my thoughts and prayers remain with the staff and capitol police. Our country must continue to work together to address all domestic and foreign threats to our nation."
