
Date: Nov. 17, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Bobby Scott (VA-03) issued the following statement after voting to censure Congressman Paul Gosar (AZ-04) and strip him of committee assignments:

"Americans send us to Congress to be their voice in Washington, and we are expected to conduct ourselves with dignity and respect. The conduct of Congressman Gosar degrades the honor of the office that we hold. It is important to note that this recent behavior is not an isolated incident. This is just the latest in a series of dangerous behaviors from multiple elected officials in the Republican Party. It is even more shameful that this is happening only a few months after the deadly insurrection here at our place of work. Just this year, a Member of U.K. Parliament, David Amess, was killed. This kind of rhetoric has real life consequences.

"Mr. Gosar's video engaged in graphic fantasies of murdering Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez and violent acts against President Biden. Republican leadership has not condemned Mr. Gosar, while simultaneously threatening retaliation against their members who voted for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill. Their former conference chair Congresswoman Cheney has been repeatedly punished by Republican entities for simply telling the truth about the 2020 election and the insurrection.

"In light of the continued inaction by my Republican colleagues, it has become incumbent upon House Democrats to, once again, hold Members accountable for this type of behavior. Today's vote made it clear that Mr. Gosar's actions will not go unanswered. Members of Congress are expected to have disagreements and deliberate, but this kind of behavior clearly violates any standards of decency or acceptable behavior."
