Congressman Rogers Votes for Improved National Defense Authorization Act


Date: Dec. 8, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Defense

On Tuesday evening, the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed the bipartisan National Defense Authorization Act after including important revisions from Republicans, including a boost of $25 billion more than last year for national defense, and stripping the bill of a controversial "red flag" provision, dropping expansion of selective service to women, and zeroing out all funds for Afghanistan's now terrorist-led military.

"I was pleased to vote for this bipartisan bill that paves the way for stronger a national defense, modernizes our Navy fleet, and provides more support for our servicemembers and their families, including a 2.7% pay increase. As President FDR said in 1941, December 7th will 'live in infamy,' and in light of the 80th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, we owe it to the American people to ensure that we maintain the world's top military force moving forward," said Congressman Rogers. "As Russian and Chinese aggression increase, this bill strengthens our military posture, supporting our allies and ramping up intelligence efforts with historic investments in emerging technologies. After the Biden Administration's catastrophic failure in Afghanistan, this bill also establishes an independent commission to investigate the 20-year conflict and eliminates all funding for the Afghan military, which is now led by the Taliban."

The legislation also works to address our nation's southern border crisis by deploying military personnel to assist Customs and Border Protection.
