Burgess Votes Against Socialist Spending Scam


Date: Nov. 19, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), the Republican Leader's Designee to the Budget Committee, voted against the Democrats' Socialist Spending Scam, known as the Build Back Better Act.

"The Democrats' Socialist Spending Scam will fundamentally change life in America for every citizen," said Burgess. "According to the Congressional Budget Office, this bill has a gross cost of $2.5 trillion, will result in a ten-year deficit of $367 billion and a five-year deficit increase of $792 billion. Democrats claim this bill is paid for, but three of its titles exceed their budget instructions, subjecting them to a point of order under the Byrd rule in the Senate. This bill will not pass the Senate as currently written."

"Balancing the score sheet for these partisan social programs by taxing the American people does not mean the bill is paid for. In fact, this bill will raise taxes on middle-class Americans as early as 2023 while providing a tax cut to the rich by increasing the cap on state and local tax deductions to $80,000. Additionally, there is $80 billion in funding for 87,000 new IRS agents to harass hardworking American families to possibly produce an extra $200 billion in tax compliance.

This bill includes $4.5 trillion in spending, $1.5 trillion in new taxes, nearly $3 trillion in new debt, and creates over 150 new government programs. Some of the most egregious provisions include:

Lack of Hyde protections to prevent federal funding for abortions
Tax credits for union-made electric vehicles
Tax credits for wealthy individuals to buy electric vehicles
Significant cuts to Disproportionate Share Hospitals
Expands the child tax credit
Does not require proof of citizenship for any new benefits
Billions of dollars to expand Affordable Care Act subsidies
Reduces the number of life-saving drugs made in America

$100 billion for programs leading to amnesty for undocumented immigrants
$200 billion for universal paid leave
$4.1 billion for electric bicycles
$450 million for job training in climate change fields
$25 million for environmental justice
"I cannot support this Socialist Spending Scam. This is by far the most expensive bill passed by Congress. Aggravating this irresponsible governance is the fact that Republicans have been completely locked out of negotiations. Half of the American population is not represented in this bill. The magnitude of the changes contemplated in this reconciliation package requires the full input of Congress, not just those on one side. I am deeply disappointed by the lack of democratic behavior by the so-named Democratic Party."
