Wasserman Schultz Joins Democrats to Pass Historic Build Back Better Legislation

Press Release

Today, U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) proudly joined her Democratic colleagues in passing the Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5376), historic legislation that will transform the American economy and put the United States on the path towards shared future prosperity. This once-in-a-generation legislation will make immediate and sizable positive impacts on the lives of Florida's seniors, families and businesses. Listen to the Congresswoman's floor remarks on this historic legislation:

The key BBB provisions that will make life dramatically better for Florida's families include:
* Negotiating lower drug costs for seniors by curbing Big Pharma's obscene price hikes, and ensure Americans with diabetes don't pay more than $35 per month for insulin;
* Create a new, out-of-pocket cap of $2,000 on what seniors pay for Medicare Part D drugs;
* Expand coverage and lower premiums in the ACA Marketplace, and help cover those in the states like Florida that refused to adopt the Medicaid expansion;
* Help older Americans access affordable hearing care by expanding Medicare.
* Expand free schooling in America with universal pre-school for all 3- and 4-year olds;
* Slash child care costs so families pay no more than half what their current spending levels are, and ensure the vast majority pay no more than 7 percent of their income on child care;
* Extend the landmark Biden Child Tax Credit, and deliver real financial help to millions of working families every month to pay for the groceries, gas and utilities that parents face;
* Expand access to affordable home care for older adults and those with disabilities;
* Steers billions in funding into green energy and resiliency programs, including clean vehicle and carbon-reduction efforts, as well as improvements to the energy grid.
* Other funding priorities include clean-pipe water programs, broadband expansion and

The costs of this legislation are offset by making corporations and the wealthy finally pay their fair share. The BBB legislation will now go to the U.S. Senate.
