Boyle Praises Passage of Historic Build Back Better Act


Date: Nov. 19, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Infrastructure

Congressman Brendan F. Boyle (PA-02), praised today's House passage of the historic $1.7 trillion Build Back Better Act, which will meet the urgent needs of individuals and families across the nation and in Pennsylvania by creating jobs, cutting taxes, and lowering costs.

"For far too long, Pennsylvania families have been held back by costly expenses -- from childcare to health care to education and so much more," said Congressman Boyle. "To unleash the full potential of every worker and family in our state, we are seizing this once-in-a-century moment to Build Back Better not only for our economy, but also so we can finally make the investments needed to combat the climate crisis. The Build Back Better Act will deliver for Pennsylvanians by creating millions of good-paying jobs, making historic middle class tax cuts, and lowering costs so families can thrive and succeed."

"In the wake of the pandemic, skyrocketing costs of childcare, health care, home- and community-based care, early and higher education, housing, and more are hurting working families across Pennsylvania and around the nation," Boyle added. "The Build Back Better Act delivers transformative investments that will address these needs and finally unlock the full potential of Pennsylvania families, while also ensuring that the wealthiest and corporations pay their fair share."

The Build Back Better Act will impact nearly every Pennsylvania family by delivering historic investments that meet their needs and will ensure that all can share in the benefits of a growing economy now, and for generations to come.

The Build Back Better Act will deliver for Pennsylvania in the following ways:

PAID FAMILY LEAVE: Permanently authorizes the first-ever national paid family and medical leave guarantee for U.S. workers, providing up to four weeks of paid leave for parental bonding or to deal with their own or a loved one's serious medical condition.
CHILDCARE: the average annual cost of a childcare center for a toddler in Pennsylvania is $11,402. The Build Back Better Act will expand access for 737,791 young Pennsylvanians and ensure that no PA family pays more than seven percent of their income on childcare.
EARLY EDUCATION: only 16% of 3- and 4-year-olds in PA have access to publicly funded pre-K, while the average cost of private pre-K in the state is $8,600. The Build Back Better Act will expand access to free, high-quality pre-K to more than 204, 700 young Pennsylvanians -- setting these children up for lifelong success and saving their parents thousands of dollars.
HEALTH CARE: by closing the Medicaid gap, expanding Medicare to include hearing care and extending relief for insurance purchased through the ACA, the Build Back Better Act will help more than 122,000 Pennsylvanians gain coverage and 125,800 Pennsylvania families save hundreds on health costs each year -- while also making home health care for elderly parents or loved ones with disabilities more affordable and accessible.
LOWER TAXES: before Democrats secured the expanded Biden Child Tax Credit in the American Rescue Plan, 13% of Pennsylvania children lived in poverty. The Build Back Better Act extends this life-changing tax cut and continues our historic progress toward reducing child poverty.
CLIMATE IMPACTS: Pennsylvania has experienced now fewer than 37 extreme weather events over the last decade, which has cost Pennsylvania families more than $10 billion in damages. By reducing carbon pollution, bolstering community resilience, and strengthening the American clean energy economy, the Build Back Better Act will create good-paying union jobs, advance environmental justice and save Pennsylvania families the steep costs of recovery.

The Build Back Better Act also makes generational investments in higher education, workforce training, affordable housing, nutrition assistance and more.
