An Unborn Child is A Human Life

Floor Speech

Date: Dec. 1, 2021
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. MEUSER. Madam Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman from Florida, my good friend, for yielding and for creating this opportunity.

Madam Speaker, just a short time ago America was energy independent. The American people had access to affordable energy and the U.S. led the world in carbon emissions reductions. What a difference 1 year and one administration can make, Madam Speaker.

Americans are paying the most they have paid at the pump since 2014, gasoline prices are up 45 percent in Pennsylvania. With winter fast approaching, home heating prices are projected to rise even above 50 percent--54 percent for some American households.

The Biden administration's solution is to literally double down on the failed energy policies. This is creating national security issues and real issues for every American, and certainly every Pennsylvanian.

Along the way, some of the solutions from the Biden administration have been to beg Russia and OPEC countries to please produce and ship more, to tap the strategic oil reserve--which is a reserve for emergencies and catastrophes, meanwhile, it is yielding only 3 days' worth of oil--and a proposed increased cost to produce oil and gas on Federal lands.

With actions like this, we shouldn't be surprised when we hear the White House press secretary argue that higher gas prices somehow highlight the need for the rapid transition to clean energy. This is ridiculous. It is woke gone mad and it is quite deliberately manipulative.

President Biden and his administration have virtually done everything in their power to decimate domestic fuel production by holding up the Keystone pipeline, pausing the oil and gas leasing on U.S. lands, and actually even discouraging our banks from investing in traditional forms of energy and production.

So out of respect for time, we can all appreciate the goal for a cleaner environment and reduction in carbon emissions, but it must be done in a manner that is economically feasible and not damaging to the American people and our constituents who we are supposed to be representing.

