National Bible Week

Floor Speech

Date: Nov. 30, 2021
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. HARSHBARGER. Madam Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding and holding this Special Order hour tonight.

Let me start with a couple of questions that people might have about the Bible.

What is the Bible? It is 66 different books composed by different people in three different languages written in different circumstances.

The writers were from different social ranks: statesmen, peasants, herdsmen, fishermen, kings, priests, tax collectors, tentmakers, physicians. They were educated and uneducated, Jews and gentiles. Most of them were unknown to each other, writing during various periods over 1,600 years, and yet it is one book about one subject. That subject is about mankind's redemption.

The Bible is inspired by God. It is without error and does not misrepresent the facts. It is trustworthy and the final authority for everything it teaches.

The next question is: Why would God give us the Bible? He did it to tell us the story of His infinite love and redemption for you and for me; to give us the amazing truth that the Lord not only offers forgiveness for our sins but also, He gives us the power to obey His law.

Every problem you face has already been answered in the Bible. It says nothing is new under the Sun, and that is true.

I have learned by reading God's Word that there is an answer to every question, if we just take the time to look in the Scriptures.

God desires an intimate relationship with each one of His creations, and it should be our goal as Christians to be obedient to God's Word, because obedience is better than sacrifice.

God gives us that little bit of faith to believe that He loved us enough to die for us so we can live again with Him in Heaven.

He already knows the desires of our heart before we even ask. Reading the Scriptures has taught me that nothing is wasted that happens in a person's life. Our steps are ordered, and God has a plan for our lives.

My prayer is this: That God would keep His hand on this great Nation.

I am asking my fellow Christians to help me pray for our country that God's will be done; that God will uncover what men or women try to deceitfully cover up; that God will raise up men and women to serve in all places in the government throughout the world and will call upon His name and pray according to His will and faith, believing in the name of Jesus Christ.

We should remember this: Our enemies are defenseless against our prayers.

I want to encourage America that there are Congressmen and Congresswomen who meet every Wednesday at 7 o'clock to pray for our Nation, and I implore them to help us pray.

Jeremiah 29:11 says, `` `For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, `plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.' ''

That is what I pray for America.

