Censuring Representative Paul Gosar

Floor Speech

Date: Nov. 17, 2021
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. AGUILAR. Madam Speaker, when an armed mob stormed the Capitol earlier this year, they did so under the belief that political violence was an acceptable means to an end. As leaders and as Members of this body, every one of us has a responsibility to stand up and to make clear that way of thinking is unacceptable.

We have a responsibility here to work together to keep our colleagues, our staff, and all of the people who work in this building safe. That goal becomes more difficult when Members are making open threats of violence on social media.

It is not acceptable for a Member of Congress to insinuate that they want to violently kill another Member, and we need to directly respond to this threat.

Today, we have an opportunity to send a strong, unified, bipartisan message against this kind of conduct.

Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to vote ``yes'' on the resolution to ensure accountability and recommit ourselves to the safety of every Member and future Member of this body.

