Underwood Legislation to Establish Protections for Student Veterans Passes the House


Date: Nov. 16, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congresswoman Lauren Underwood's (IL-14) legislation to support student veterans who are at risk of being academically penalized due to their ongoing military service unanimously passed the House. Currently, if a service member is assigned to a period of active service or inactive-duty training, they could face grade reductions, failing grades, and even financial penalties if they are forced to withdraw from classes to serve our country. Modeled after successful legislation in Illinois, the Protections for Student Veterans Act (H.R. 5603) will ensure that service members using Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) education benefits can continue their education without penalty if they are called to serve.

"It is unacceptable for a veteran to be punished for their ongoing service to our country. I'm thankful that Illinois has acted to right this wrong, and I'm proud to see the House pass the Protections for Student Veterans Act to ensure service members in every state can continue their education without penalty if they are called to serve," said Underwood. "I look forward to seeing these commonsense protections for our service members pass the Senate and get signed into law."

The Protections for Student Veterans Act would:  

Implement commonsense protections for service members using VA education benefits, including a prohibition on assigning failing grades or other punishments for service members who receive orders to begin active service or training.  
Ensure that service members using VA education benefits who are called to service are refunded for tuition and fees for incomplete academic terms.  
Ensure that service members using VA education benefits who are called to service have the opportunity to resume their studies when their service is complete. 
