Providing for Consideration of H.R. Build Back Better Act; and for Other Purposes

Floor Speech

Date: Nov. 5, 2021
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. MEUSER. Madam Speaker, after elections where the American people rebuked the left's tax, spend, and Big Government control agenda, our Democrat colleagues are doubling down on failed and unpopular policies that will exacerbate inflation, workforce and supply shortages that are hurting everyone, including waste, abuse, and fraud.

Madam Speaker, this reconciliation bill has no return on investment for the American people. In fact, independent analysis shows it decreases GDP and it will weaken U.S. economic strength worldwide.

The bill raises $420 billion in taxes on small businesses while giving a massive tax break for high earners in high-tax states.

It gives amnesty and driver's licenses to illegal immigrants while a crisis rages at the border. It spends big on entitlements that disincentivize work and, as stated, are ripe for fraud. As well, it misses any mark for pay-for by $2 trillion to $3 trillion.

This irresponsible spending bill, coupled, by the way, with a bipartisan Transportation and Infrastructure bill, has made it very, unfortunately, impossible to support both, because the net effect of these dependent bills is detrimental to our economy, national security, and global competitiveness.

