Representative Rosendale Fights for Veteran Telehealth Accessibility

Press Release

Date: Oct. 29, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Yesterday, Representative Rosendale introduced the Department of Veterans Affairs Telehealth Strategy Act to best serve the healthcare needs of our nation's heroes.

This legislation would direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to develop a strategy, furnished by the Veterans Health Administration, to enhance telehealth accessibility for veterans.

Representative Rosendale is passionate about ensuring veterans have easy access to effective healthcare services. When the United States transitions out of the COVID-19 period, where telehealth services were used extensively, it is of the utmost importance to ensure that telehealth remains a viable option.

This legislation would require the VA Secretary to submit to Congress, within 180 days, a strategy containing a comprehensive projection of demand for telehealth services for the next three fiscal years. This bill would also direct the VA Secretary to file a report of the resources and devices provided to veterans to facilitate telehealth during fiscal years 2020 and 2021.

"COVID-19 showed how beneficial telehealth services can be for those in rural communities and those who just don't have the time to visit a provider," Representative Rosendale said. "This legislation would be a critical step in collecting the necessary data to establish a framework to best serve our veterans through telehealth."
