Correa's Language to Create Afghan Refugee Special Envoy Passes in the House

Press Release

Date: Sept. 24, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Lou Correa (D-CA), released the following statement applauding the House passage of his Afghan Refugee Special Envoy.

Rep. Lou Correa said: "I am proud that my amendment, to create an Afghan Refuge Special Envoy in the office of the President, passed the House as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). During this turbulent time, it is clear that the hearts of Americans are heavy for the people of Afghanistan. We have seen an outpouring of sympathy and offers to help Afghan refugees. It is imperative that the White House establish an Afghan Refuge Special Envoy to oversee the efforts to relocate and connect refugees to organizations to help them resettle in the United States. It is critical that we quickly resettle Afghan refugees. We especially owe this to our allies who fought alongside American soldiers for the past two decades. Not only do they need to leave Afghanistan to protect them from retribution killing, slavery, and exploitation, but we need to ensure that they are resettled here to start their new lives."

Background: This amendment creates an Afghan Refuge Special Envoy position at the White House to coordinate with federal agencies and oversee the evacuation of people from Afghanistan. The Special Envoy would also oversee the effort to connect these individuals with organizations in the US that can help facilitate resettlement. The position is terminated after 2 years.
