Hoyer Statement on the Build Back Better Framework

Press Release

Date: Oct. 28, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

"The Build Back Better Framework announced by President Biden this morning is both historic and essential. When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, it revealed in full the long-term challenges facing working families in our country. Democrats made a commitment to the American people that, if entrusted to govern, we would focus not only on turning around the pandemic -- which we did with the American Rescue Plan -- but on building back better and more resilient so that Americans can have greater economic security over the long term, particularly as we fight back against the climate crisis. That is what this framework agreement would achieve, making historic and transformational investments in the American people and -- critically -- it is fully paid-for by making sure that wealthy individuals and corporations pay their fair share.

"This framework represents the most consequential public investment in children and caregivers we've seen in generations. It caps child-care costs at 7% of a family's income for those earning up to 250% of a state's median income, and it ensures free, universal pre-school for every three- and four-year-old in our country to ensure that our children have the strongest start possible. Moreover, this bill extends the popular Child Tax Credit that benefits more than 35 million households. Importantly, many Americans are also struggling to afford care for aging parents and relatives with disabilities, and this legislation would strengthen access to home and elder care. These investments can help workers return to the workforce, particularly the millions of women who left their jobs to care for children during the pandemic.

"The framework unveiled by the President today would also be America's most substantial contribution to the fight against the climate crisis that we've ever seen. It would direct $555 billion toward cutting greenhouse gas emissions by more than a gigaton by 2030, ensuring cleaner air and water, investing in more energy-efficient buildings and industrial practices, reducing energy costs for consumers, and creating high-paying jobs for American workers in the process. As a result of this legislation, we can make it easier for American workers to build the clean-energy products that we deploy at home and export abroad. This legislation recognizes the responsibility we have to advance environmental justice and participate in the global effort to address a crisis affecting our entire planet.

"Further, under the Build Back Better Framework, we are set to enact the largest expansion in access to affordable health care since the Affordable Care Act, reducing premiums for 9 million Americans and expanding access to coverage for 4 million Americans who are stuck in the Medicaid gap in non-expansion states. It would also make the largest single investment in affordable housing in American history and expand access to higher education. This framework would also provide 17 million working Americans with an extended Earned Income Tax Credit expansion, cutting taxes for those who need it.

"As we advance toward consideration of the Build Back Better Act, this framework means we can now move forward in the final stage of work. I hope all Democrats in the House and Senate will join in publicly supporting this framework so that we can show the American people that we are united in delivering on our promises and in enacting President Biden's Build Back Better agenda. This includes enacting the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which has already passed the Senate. Additionally, it is advantageous to our economy and crucial to our values that we continue to fight for protections and legal status for Dreamers, those holding TPS and DED status, and farmworkers.

"The time for action is now, and we must move forward, united in our determination to show the American people that Democrats, whom they have chosen to lead our nation through this time of challenge, are up to the task and can get our work done For the People."
