Ferguson Slams Democrats' Proposal to Snoop Into Americans' Bank Account on Fox News


Date: Oct. 17, 2021
Location: West Point, GA

In an interview on Fox News' "Fox Report with Jon Scott," U.S. Representative Drew Ferguson (R-Ga.), discussed the Biden Administration's proposal to implement a financial surveillance regime through the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), rising inflation, and the Democrats' tax-and-spend that will cost Americans trillions of dollars.

ON RECONCILIATION AND SPENDING BILLS: "We do have an important role to play, and we're telling the American people what is in this bill and every time we expose more and more of what's in the bill, Americans push back against it. And what we see as a result of the Biden Administration is chaos in the administration and chaos in the House of Representatives….

"What the Democrats are proposing right now puts everybody first but America. Right now, we don't see anything good coming from the Democrats. We've seen a tremendous amount of inflation, American families are hurting, and the cost of energy [is] going through the roof. The Biden Administration is begging OPEC and Russia to supply fuel for the U.S., and the rest of the world. This is wrong, and we cannot stand for it."
ON DEMOCRATS BIG GOVERNMENT SOCIALIST AGENDA: "This is not the policy that puts American businesses and American workers first. It's the kind of thing that puts us behind our biggest competitor China and our adversaries around the world."
ON STOPPING THE IRS FROM SNOOPING IN BANK AMERICANS' BANK ACCOUNTS: "Americans do not want the IRS snooping into the bank accounts and spying on them. This is a Constitutional issue. The federal government is prohibited by the Fourth Amendment from unreasonable search and seizure…
"It does not matter if the amount is $1, $600 or $10,000, Americans do not want the IRS snooping into the bank account.
"I dropped a bill on Friday to prohibit Secretary Yellen from implementing in these rules and every Republican on the Ways and Means Committee and 100 other cosponsors stand ready to fight to the end of this. This is unacceptable, and we cannot have this in America."

ON RISING INFLATION: "The answer is to stop this ridiculous government spending that's driving inflation. Americans know when Washington spends too much money that it drives inflation. And for the administration to say this is transitory, meaning it will pass, is dead wrong.

"This is affecting Americans every single day at the grocery store, at the fuel pump, and just as you alluded to earlier in your previous segment, the supply chain issues are real. American families cannot get access to the goods that they need and it begs the question: "Why are we continuing to import from China when we should produce these here in America?'
"Again, [these are]policies in place that put America last not first and that is wrong. If you look at the tax cuts, [they have] driven the American economy to the highest levels, and we have a tremendous revenue stream coming in once again. Washington doesn't have a revenue problem has a spending problem and to suggest that we should spend more of your hard-earned dollars by having the IRS spy on your bank account is flat wrong. We cannot stand for that."
