Rep. Roybal-Allard Statement on Parliamentarian's Ruling Regarding Pathway to Legal Status Via Reconciliation


Date: Sept. 20, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Immigration

Washington, DC -- Today, U.S. Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-40), the original co-author of the Dream Act, issued the following statement in response to the Senate parliamentarian's ruling on a pathway to legal status via reconciliation:
"The decision by the Senate parliamentarian to not include a pathway to citizenship for immigrants in the budget package is very disappointing and unacceptable. However, my colleagues and I are not deterred in our commitment to providing undocumented immigrants with permanent protections. Democrats stand ready to present alternative solutions during the next stage of the legislative process. With President Biden's support, we will keep on fighting to win a pathway to citizenship for the immigrants who contribute so much to our nation, communities, and economy."
