Rep. Long Statement on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11


Date: Sept. 9, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Billy Long issued the following statement regarding the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

"Bonnie Bell and I were live on 'Morning Line with Bonnie and Billy' on KWTO AM560 in Springfield, Missouri when a caller said "Did you know a plane just hit the World Trade Center?" We said "no" thinking it may have been a Cub Piper that the wind had blown into one of the towers. The caller continued "Oh, my gosh there goes another one, that was a 737." I said "Can you say Osama Bin Laden? They have hijacked our commercial airliners and are flying them into buildings." Bonnie said, "Don't say that Billy, you can't say that you'll scare people." I instinctively realized what we were dealing with and also knew that our world as we had known it was changed forever," said Congressman Long.

"On the 20th anniversary of that horrible day, we pause to honor those that died and those that went to war against terrorist organizations. With the Taliban once again in control of Afghanistan we need to remain vigilant against possible terrorist attacks from radical Islamic groups that will take root there. We cannot dishonor those that fought and died in the War on Terror by allowing another 9/11 to happen. I pray for all the victims of 9/11, their families, friends, and service members that have died or were maimed in the War on Terror."
