Casten Secures Science Investments for Argonne, Fermilab, EPA Climate Research in SST Committee Markup of the Reconciliation Package

Press Release

Date: Sept. 9, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Environment

Today, U.S. Congressman secured investments for the 6th District community and national climate research as part of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology markup of the Build Back Better reconciliation package.

"Congress has not only a responsibility to prioritize climate at the scale science demands, but has an opportunity to invest in the research and development needed to maintain American competitiveness globally while creating jobs and growing our economy, " said. Rep. Sean Casten. "While it remains to be seen what is in the rest of the reconciliation package, I am happy to have helped secure these much needed investments in national laboratories in our community as well as funding for research to help us combat the climate crisis on a nation-wide scale."

Following today's markup, the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology voted to advance its legislative priorities for the reconciliation package, which included several key provisions Rep. Casten led his colleagues in advocating for:

Over $15 billion for the Department of Energy (DoE) Office of Science, Fusion Energy, National Lab infrastructure, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy facilities, and demonstration projects such as for marine energy and renewables on the grid
More than $11 billion for NSF infrastructure, Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) diversity, Minority Serving Institutions, and climate change research
Over $10 billion for DoE National Lab Infrastructure, including over $127 million Fermilab and $100 million for Argonne National Lab
Over $264 million for Environmental Protection Agency climate research and development activities
Funding for fusion energy research & development

In August, Rep. Casten hosted White House Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy for a Midwest Innovation Tour in the Chicagoland suburbs. The visit highlighted the economic impact of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and Build Back Better Agenda on the Midwest and the importance of climate and clean energy in the Midwest, especially when it comes to job creation, public health, and economic opportunity.
