Rep. Williams' Statement on Afghanistan


Date: Aug. 26, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Roger Williams (TX-25) issued the following statement following this morning's news coming out of Afghanistan:

"Today's terrorist attacks in Afghanistan are the tragic outcomes of the decisions of a failed American President. President Joseph R. Biden Jr. should resign immediately. In eight short months, it has become painfully clear that President Biden is incapable of fulfilling and faithfully executing the most important roles of the Commander in Chief. His unwillingness to acknowledge the Americans that he left behind in Afghanistan and his failure to commit to getting every American out, unfortunately signals that to the best of his ability, he lacks the fortitude to keep America safe and preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. All options should be on the table to protect our country. Not only has this president's plan failed, this president has failed. It's time for him to resign or be legally removed."
