Congressmen Kennedy and Langevin Secure Funds for Emergency Operations Center

Date: Feb. 22, 2006
Location: Providence, RI

Congressmen Kennedy and Langevin Secure Funds for Emergency Operations Center

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Providence- Congressmen Jim Langevin and Patrick Kennedy today joined Providence Mayor David Cicilline to announce $200,000 in federal appropriations to help build a new Providence Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The EOC will enhance communications and help coordinate the planning and response of the city to any crisis that threatens Providence and surrounding communities.

"The key to security is ensuring that everyone in the community is able to easily communicate and coordinate with each other in case of an emergency," said Congressman Langevin, a member of the House Homeland Security Committee. "The new Providence EOC will help facilitate this communication and serve as an important nerve center to help city officials, police, and firefighters plan and coordinate the response to a natural disaster or attack."

The EOC will be the alternate site for the City's Communications building in the event the City's main emergency dispatch operations are compromised or eliminated. This funding will go towards purchasing communications and technological infrastructure including radio equipment, computers, phone systems, GIS mapping capabilities, camera monitoring, and other necessary electronic equipment.

"We seen how crucial it is to maintain continuity of communications following a major incident," said Congressman Kennedy. "Government officials need to have accurate and timely information - and then have the command and control necessary to effectively respond. This federal appropriation, which my colleague Congressman Langevin and I worked to secure, will go to bolstering Providence's emergency preparedness. We've worked hard to make the case for Providence, the second largest city in New England. I'm happy to report that today, with this federal money, Providence and Rhode Island moves one step closer to safety and preparedness," added Kennedy.{BAA66FE8-8F20-4302-9CE2-D40EA0631F10}&DE={3A20A96E-106D-4303-99F4-DBDA7BA02B0E}
